Memories of the Future 2018
Director/Writer 36 minutes
SNOW 30th Anniversary Edition
Super 16mm film
17 minutes
Paying Mr. McGetty 2018
Feature film
Director of Photography
Sizzle Reel for L.A. Lawyer Show
Sportsman's Tavern Promo. Director/DP
Silo City Smokeout !
"La Vie en Rose" Director/DP
*multi-international award winner*
music video 2022
" Detroit Iron - Redux"
Director /DP
music video 1987/2024
Watkins Glen Rolls-Royce Event. 2:38
Short camera test
Music by Alyn Syms
Hollywood Premiere - 4:30 minutes
Premiere of the independent film "Exodus Fall"
The Guest House - Selected Scenes 2:30m
Feature Film 2010 Camera/Lighting
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